Box Office: 01386 555488

Think all things warm, sunny
and bright and join us for an uplifting hour of gentle,
playful, feel-good seated dance. This workshop is designed to motivate, enrich and move us; body
and soul.

Gentle Chance to Dance is designed for those aged over 65 and offers a relaxed, uplifting and expressive approach to dancing. You won’t need a partner and can dress in comfortable everyday clothing and footwear. The class is open to all abilities and dances can be adapted to suit individual’s circumstances.

Led by Marie
Oldaker an experienced dance teacher who leads Chance to Dance classes around the county. Marie also leads classes for people living with Parkinson’s, Dementia and Stroke survivors in care homes and community venues, and is a freelance choreographer.

Thursday 29 August, 12.30 – 1.30pm

Cost: £6

To book your place please contact Box Office on 01386 555488. You will need to complete and return an Enrolment Form.