Box Office: 01386 555488

Number 8 Time Line

19 February 1995
Inaugural meeting of Pershore Theatre Steering Group at 51 Cherry Orchard, Pershore.  16 persons representing Pershore organisations attended “to establish the strength of local support for a theatre or arts centre in Pershore” 

September 1996
Pershore Theatre Arts Association formed as an unincorporated association with 8 trustees aim: “to establish and administer for the benefit of its inhabitants and surrounding area generally a theatre and arts centre in Pershore”

March 1997
Pershore Theatre Arts Association becomes a registered charity.  Name of venue Number 8 decided by members.   Design Advisory Group appointed.

October 1998
Wychavon District Council purchases 8 High Street Pershore for £210,000, spends a further £40,000 on essential structural works and leases premises to PTAA at peppercorn rent for 5 years subject to 1) community use agreement of 40 hours week and 2) PTAA to raise funds for major redevelopment of the site including lottery funding.

November 1998
Number 8 charity shop opens (raises £600,000 to May 2004).

January 1999
PTAA spends £25,000 redeveloping rear of building to provide multi-use space, wardrobe, workshop and toilets for community use.

August 2001
Number 8 incorporated as company limited by guarantee and registered charity.  Board of 16 includes 8 PTAA trustees plus 8 community appointees

January 2002
Number 8 has primacy for project – PTAA funds to be transferred by agreement with Charity Commission

May 2003
Wychavon District Council grants 99 year lease on 8 High Street to Number 8. Project designed to be built in phases as funds permitted.

August 2003
Works commence – Spicers (Builders) Limited for 15 month contract period.  Architects: McMorran and Gatehouse Limited. Total cost of project (£1.4 million) Includes self-help and equipment

May 2004
Number 8 charity shop on 8 High Street site closes. Shortly afterwards Just After 8 charity shop opens at 12 High Street (funds to be applied to further capital works on first floor).

August 2004
PB Builders Limited appointed to redevelop façade and provide new balcony.

December 2004
PTAA wound up – Charity Commissioners notified.

December 2004
Phases 1, 2 and 3 completed comprising 250 seat Auditorium plus Courtyard Room, Studio, Bar/Coffee Bar & Gallery.

Volunteers cover Box Office, Coffee Bar, Bar, Front of House, Projection and Maintenance. Open 6 days a week from 10.00am to 4.00pm plus evenings

Resident amateur company, Pershore Operatic and Dramatic Society (PODS), use Number 8 as their base for rehearsals for two shows each year.

4 December 2004
Number 8 Community Arts Centre Gala Opening Night attended by 250 Friends of Number 8.

February 2005
Friends of Number 8 membership totals 1150.

17 July 2006
Royal Opening attended by HRH Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh and 180 volunteers and special guests.

July – September 2007
Phase 4 constructed providing main staircase, upstairs bar, office and costume storage.

June 2010
Digital and 3D projection equipment installed, funded by the Just After 8 Charity Shop and funds raised from trusts and sponsors.

Friday 16 July 2010
Digital Launch Gala screening held for invited guests.

Number 8 Charity Shop at Broad Street closes.

Thursday 24 November 2016
Just After 8 Charity Shop opens at 23 Broad Street.

July – September 2017
The Foyer redevelopment project, which included relocating the staircase, re-siting the Coffee Bar/Bar and Box Office and creating a space for small scale performances.

28 September 2017
The Foyer Launch Party

Present Day
Number 8 managed and operated, under the direction of the Trustees, by four full and three part-time paid staff and over 200 volunteers.

Annual ticketed admissions of over 40,000.